Hosted by Fitz's Fish Ponds at Koi Fest 2024
The second annual Tri-State ZNA Koi Show will take place at the Fitz's Fish Farm 610 Little York Mt Pleasent Rd., Millford, NJ 08848.
This is a hobbyist-only, English style koi show. Each hobbyist must own the fish being entered in the show and will have his/her own tank(s). Entrants are encouraged to reserve their tanks early as there are a limited number of tanks. Tri-State will maintain water quality for the show, but will insist that the tanks not be overcrowded.
Tri-State ZNA uses a Fish Point System as a guideline for loading tanks. This is done to maintain water quality throughout the weekend to ensure the safety and health of your koi. Tri-State ZNA reserves the right to require additional tanks be used if fish load exceeds these recommendations.
Registrations must be received no later than July 31, 2024.
Pre-registration with payment is recommended in order to guarantee tank availability.
All koi (including Longfin) will be measured from tip of the nose to the end of the tail (caudal fin) for determining the fish points below. The following table must be used to calculate the number of tanks needed.
Koi Size Points
Size 1: 10.0 cm to 19.9 cm (7.8”) 1
Size 2: 20.0 cm to 29.9 cm (11.8”) 2
Size 3: 30 cm to 39.9 cm (15.7”) 3
Size 4: 40 cm to 49.9 cm (19.6”) 5
Size 5: 50.0 cm to 59.9 cm (23.6”) 8
Size 6: 60.0 cm to 69.9 cm (27.5”) 12
Size 7: 70.0 cm to 79.9 cm (31.4”) 15
Size 8: 80.0 cm and above (31.5”+) 16
Tri-State ZNA will have 8 foot and 6 foot tanks and strongly recommends a tank load of no more than 36 points per 8 foot and 24 points per 6 foot tank. Reservations should be made accordingly. Add your total number of points and divide by 36 or 24 to determine the number of tanks you need. Please contact the show chair for more information.
*In order to enter into the Tri-State ZNA Koi Show, you must become a member.
Click the link above to inquire within.
Tri-State ZNA Koi Show Information
Koi will be benched into the following categories:
Code Group Category Notes
1 ... A ... Kohaku
2 ... A ... Sanke
3 ... A ... Showa
4 ... A ... Utsurimono All non-metallic Utsuri (shiro, hi, ki)
5 ... A ... Ginrin A All Ginrin versions of 1-4 above
6 ... B ... Bekko Includes shiro, hi, and ki Bekko
7 ... B ... Asagi Includes hi and ki Asagi
8 ... B ... Shusui Includes hi and ki Shusui
9 ... B ... Goromo Ai, Sumi, Budo, Goromo Sanke and Showa
10 ... B... Kawarimono Non-metallics including Ochiba, Kumunryu
11 ... B ... Goshiki Includes Goshiki, Showa and Sanke, etc
12 ... B ... Ginrin B All Ginrin versions of 6-11 above
13 ... B ... Hikari Moyomono Metallics with patterns and Kikokuryu
14 ... B ... Hikari Utsurimono Metallics with Utsuri patterns
15 ... B ... Mujimono Single-color non-metallic incl Ginrin & Matsuba
16 ... B ... Hikari Mujimono Single-color metallic incl Ginrin & Matsuba
17 ... B ... Tancho: All tancho including Ginrin and non-gosanke
18 ... L ...Longfin: All longfin
2. Sizes – There will be eight size classes as follows:
Size 1 = 10.0 cm to 19.9 cm (7.8”) Size 5 = 50.0 cm to 59.9 cm (23.6”)
Size 2 = 20.0 cm to 29.9 cm (11.8”) Size 6 = 60.0 cm to 69.9 cm (27.5”)
Size 3 = 30 cm to 39.9 cm (15.7”) Size 7 = 70.0 cm to 79.9 cm (31.4”)
Size 4 = 40 cm to 49.9 cm (19.6”) Size 8 = 80.0 cm and above (31.5”+)
NOTE: Koi under 10.0 cm will not be judged
3. This show has NO Doitsu category. Doitsu koi are benched according to the
category of their scaled counterparts, e.g. doitsu showa benched as showa
4. Long Fin will be judged only in the Long Fin category and are NOT eligible for any
other awards including Novice.
5. Entrants will be eligible for the following Major Awards, ranked in order of
Grand Champion (Group A only)
Grand Champion B
Reserve Champion A
Reserve Champion B
Mature Champion A (Sizes 7-8)
Mature Champion B (Sizes 7-8)
Jumbo Champion (Size 8 from Group A or B)
Adult Champion A (Sizes 5-6)
Adult Champion B (Sizes 5-6)
Young Champion A (Sizes 3-4)
Young Champion B (Sizes 3-4)
Baby Champion A (Sizes 1-2)
Baby Champion B (Sizes 1-2)
6. The Mature Champion awards are considered higher awards than the Jumbo
Champion award
7. Best in Size awards: Koi in Groups A and B that do not win a Major award above
will be eligible for Best in Size awards (one award for each size)
8. The Judges Award will be the best Tategoi from any size category or group
9. The Most Unique Award will be awarded from any size category or group
10. The Novice Award will only be eligible to owners who have not competed in a koi
show previously
11. Please notify the show chairman for any Friendship Awards to be given at our
Tri State ZNA Koi Show Rules
This is a hobbyist only show. All fish must be owned by and accompanied by the
registered entrant. Entries are open to all hobbyist members and hobbyist nonmembers of Tri-State ZNA.
2. There will be no limit on the number of entries per person.
3. Entry fees for koi will be $100 for a show tank.
4. The entrant of the fish must be present at the tank during benching (measuring and
classification). The decision on how koi are benched is made by the benching team and
show chair rather than the hobbyist.
5. Tri-State ZNA will take a color digital photo of each koi for benching and judging
purposes. The exhibitor agrees that photos of major champions can be entered into the
ZNA America Virtual National show.
6. Each person should bring their own nets and tubs for handling their fish.
7. Fish can be registered on the Friday of the show from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
8. Fish purchased from a show vendor at the show may be entered no later than 9:00 am on Saturday. Fish purchased from a vendor at the show may NOT be added to a hobbyist tank containing other koi.
9. Each entry must be registered with the registration committee by 9:00 am on Saturday.
10. All entries will be checked for injuries, parasites, and diseases. If found to be severely ill or injured, the fish will not be allowed to enter the show. Transport damage will not prevent entry into the show.
11.Koi that have been exposed in any way to the koi herpes virus (KHV) are not eligible for this show and should NOT be transported to the show site. Tri-State ZNA will enforce
this rule to the best of its ability but must ultimately rely on the honesty and integrity of
all exhibitors.
12. The judges shall not view the tanks until the show chairman has removed the list of
owners and indicates that the tanks are ready to be judged. At no time shall the name of
the entrant be visible until after judging has been completed.
13. No one other than the judges, club president, and show committee shall be in the
display area while the fish are being judged. Observers and entrants are to refrain from
communications with the judges during judging. Video or audio recording of the judging is not permitted.
14. All entries will be left on exhibit for the duration of the show unless a valid reason is
given to the show committee to remove fish. Dismissal time is 1:00 pm on the Sunday of
the show weekend, unless prior permission is received from the show chair or
15. Tri-State ZNA will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard entered fish but the
owner will assume all risk and responsibility of their fish while at the show.
16. The decision of the judges and or show chairman or committee will be final.
17. Any contingencies not covered by these rules will be subject to the discretion of the
show chair.
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-4:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-5:00 |
thursday | 10:00-5:00 |
friday | 10:00-5:00 |
saturday | 10:00-5:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-5:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-6:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-6:00 |
thursday | 10:00-6:00 |
friday | 10:00-6:00 |
saturday | 10:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-4:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-5:00 |
thursday | 10:00-5:00 |
friday | 10:00-5:00 |
saturday | 9:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-5:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-6:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-6:00 |
thursday | 10:00-6:00 |
friday | 10:00-6:00 |
saturday | 10:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | Closed |
monday | 9:00-5:00 |
tuesday | 9:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 9:00-5:00 |
thursday | 9:00-5:00 |
friday | 9:00-5:00 |
saturday | Closed |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-4:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-5:00 |
thursday | 10:00-5:00 |
friday | 10:00-5:00 |
saturday | 10:00-5:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-5:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-6:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-6:00 |
thursday | 10:00-6:00 |
friday | 10:00-6:00 |
saturday | 10:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-4:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-5:00 |
thursday | 10:00-5:00 |
friday | 10:00-5:00 |
saturday | 9:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | 10:00-5:00 |
monday | Closed |
tuesday | 10:00-6:00 |
wednesday | 10:00-6:00 |
thursday | 10:00-6:00 |
friday | 10:00-6:00 |
saturday | 10:00-6:00 |
Hours | |
sunday | Closed |
monday | 9:00-5:00 |
tuesday | 9:00-5:00 |
wednesday | 9:00-5:00 |
thursday | 9:00-5:00 |
friday | 9:00-5:00 |
saturday | Closed |