13” Japanese Imported Pearl Scale Benigoi -P1- 19
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Pearl Scale Benigoi Breeder: Sekiguchi Size: 13" Benigoi - (ben-ee-goy) : Non-metallic solid color red or orange Koi. It is said that their lineage can be traced back to the Kohaku. A Pearl Scale...

22” Japanese Imported Asagi - P1-18
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Asagi Breeder: Maruhiro Size: 22" Asagi - (ah saw-gee) : Asagi was one of the first color patterns developed from the Japanese carp (Magoi) over 160 years ago! They are non-metallic light blue-grey or light...

14” Japanese Imported Goromo - P1-17
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Goromo Breeder: Otsuka Size: 14" A Goromo koi has a white base with a red (hi) pattern and a net-like overlay of blue or black scales. The overlay creates a reticulated effect, primarily seen in...

24” Japanese Imported Doitsu Showa - P1-16
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Doitsu Showa Breeder: Maruhiro Size: 24" Showa - (showah) : Full name is Showa Sanshoku but mostly often just referred to as Showa. The Koi has a black body, with red and white markings across the body. The...

13” Japanese Imported Pearl Scale Benigoi -P1- 15
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Pearl Scale Benigoi Breeder: Sekiguchi Size: 13" Benigoi - (ben-ee-goy) : Non-metallic solid color red or orange Koi. It is said that their lineage can be traced back to the Kohaku. A Pearl Scale...

16” Japanese Imported Tancho Showa - P1-14
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Tancho Showa Breeder: Sekiguchi Size: 16" Showa - (showah) : Full name is Showa Sanshoku but mostly often just referred to as Showa. The Koi has a black body, with red and white markings across the...

22” Japanese Imported Asagi - P1-13
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Asagi Breeder: Otsuka Size: 22" Asagi - (ah saw-gee) : Asagi was one of the first color patterns developed from the Japanese carp (Magoi) over 160 years ago! They are non-metallic light blue-grey or light...

17.5” Japanese Imported Tancho Sanke - P1-12
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Tancho Sanke Breeder: Marudo Size: 17.5" Sanke - (sawn-kay) : White (Shiro) Koi with red (Hi) patches and black spots throughout the body. The black spots should be on the top of the body and not extend...

22” Japanese Imported Kage Shiro Utsuri - P1-11
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Kage Shiro Utsuri Breeder: Otsuka Size: 22" Utsuri - (oot-sir-ee) : Two-color Koi, one of the colors is always black. The black appears as bands around the body, black on some portion of the pectoral...

18” Japanese Imported Doitsu Sanke - P1-10
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Doitsu Sanke Breeder: Maruhiro Size: 18" Sanke - (sawn-kay) : White (Shiro) Koi with red (Hi) patches and black spots throughout the body. The black spots should be on the top of the body and not...

19” Japanese Imported Doitsu Karasugoi - P1- 9
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Doitsu Karasugoi Breeder: Otsuka Size: 19" Karasugoi Koi are striking fish distinguished by their predominantly black coloring and subtle hints of white or red. With a sleek and elegant appearance...

18” Japanese Imported Showa - P1- 8
KOI FISH ONLY SHIPPED MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Variety: Showa Breeder: Sekiguchi Size: 18" Showa - (showah) : Full name is Showa Sanshoku but mostly often just referred to as Showa. The Koi has a black body, with red and white markings across the body. The...